Call this method and subscribe to the emitted signal to receive the selected leaderboard and an array of scores for that leaderboard, centered in the currently signed in player. The JSON received from the com.jacobibanez.plugin.android.godotplaygameservices.signals.LeaderboardSignals.playerCenteredScoresLoaded signal, contains a representation of the com.google.android.gms.games.LeaderboardsClient.LeaderboardScores class.
The leaderboard id.
The time span for the leaderboard refresh. It can be any of the com.jacobibanez.plugin.android.godotplaygameservices.leaderboards.TimeSpan values.
The collection type for the leaderboard. It can be any of the [com.jacobibanez.plugin.android.godotplaygameservices.leaderboards.Collection] values.
The maximum number of scores to fetch per page. Must be between 1 and 25.
If true, this call will clear any locally cached data and attempt to fetch the latest data from the server.